If the Government wants the industry to pay for a compensation scheme of last resort then it needs to review and remove many other regulatory costs, starting with profess...

If the Government seriously wants to make financial advice more affordable then it needs to conduct a thorough review to strip out the layers of regulation which have dri...

The widespread general criticism of the Financial Adviser Standards and Ethics Authority’s latest efforts around code of conduct guidance should be the catalyst for the G...

The standing aside of Australian Securities and Investments Commission chair, James Shipton, points to fundamental issues with respect to the regulator....

The consultation around the Financial Adviser Standards and Ethics Authority code of ethics must end and the Government must put a definitive timetable on the establishme...

The banks are out, scores of advisers are heading for the exits and it is time for Governments to stand back and let the financial planning industry succeed. ...

As more advisers leave the industry and the cost of financial advice delivery rises, superannuation funds are destined to play a greater role. These circumstances make it...

As MLC advisers contemplate their migration to working under IOOF licenses, they might consider how different the story would be if they were individually licensed....

By the time Australia kicks off 2021, many more businesses will be closed and many more people will be officially unemployed, as opposed to the synthetic unemployment rat...

Many things have changed in the Australian life insurance industry since the Life Insurance Framework was put in place meaning that the Australian Securities and Investme...

As the Government seeks to pull the Australian economy out of recession it should silence those on its backbench who are undermining confidence in the superannuation regi...

Regular Parliamentary Committee scrutiny of the Financial Adviser Standards and Ethics Authority may have helped win the adviser support it so badly needs....

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Well done Keith and Neil, these Canberra Bureaucrats need to be stopped. ...

3 days 7 hours ago

WHEN I RETIRED A LOT OF GUY'S WERE STILL PRACTICING FORMS OF COLD CALLING. There nothing wrong with it as a way of estab...

4 days 7 hours ago

I thought you joined a dealer to be protected and have a better version of regulation explained, BUT The dealers themsel...

4 days 7 hours ago

ASIC has cancelled the AFS licence of a Sydney wealth firm, the fifth Sydney firm to see a cancellation since the start of the year....

1 week 4 days ago

A former financial adviser has been banned by ASIC from providing financial services for inappropriate advice, among multiple breaches....

3 weeks 5 days ago

More than 20 winners from the funds management industry have been crowned at this year’s awards....

4 days 14 hours ago