Submitted by Squeaky'21 on Sat, 2023-04-15 06:18

In my view, after 36 years in this once-great profession, I can confidently attest that there will be less than 10,000 investment advisers (AKA financial planners) by 2026 and so close to zero specialist risk advisers it won't matter. You don't often see the risk advisers mentioned and that is a major oversight by many publications and entities.

You'll then find the only distribution outlets for specialist risk advice will be life companies, direct OR the aforementioned investment advisers who, in the main, do not have a passion or in-depth understanding of complex risk advice. These types of advisers only usually do risk advice when asked or as an add-on/afterthought. God help the clients AND the life companies whose income will dry to a drizzle very quickly. I hope those statutory funds are in good shape as they'll definitely need them for a while until they snap themselves out of their quagmire and really start to rattle the pollies for change. Sad thing is it will simply be far, far too late to do anything as all the good advisers will be gone (most are already) and life companies will fold, merge, withdraw from the market or be taken over by banks and investment groups - just to obtain the poor hapless clients. So much for 'client best interest' - the pollies and special interest groups never believed in that fantasy anyway sadly.

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