Financial planning

How the Government proposes to approach yearly opt-in and fee arrangements is expected to be made clearer in the next week or so and financial adviser groups are bracing ...

Policy & Regulation

Self-Managed Superannuation Funds should be exempted from the Government’s new design and distribution regime because they are not like other financial products, accordin...

Policy & Regulation

Advisers and their clients should retain control of opt-in arrangements and there should be flexibility for low fee-paying clients with less frequent interactions, accord...

Financial planning

Submissions directed to Treasury around the end of grandfathering revealed little significant resistance but genuine concern around how client rebates should work....

Financial planning

Industry submissions to the Financial Adviser Standards and Ethics Authority were calling for a 12-month adviser code exemption just a week before the Australian Securiti...

Financial planning

Questions are being asked about why the board of the Financial Adviser Standards and Ethics Authority has avoided direct engagement with key industry groups for more than...

Financial planning

With financial planning groups meeting with the Financial Adviser Standards and Ethics Authority today, the Association of Financial Advisers has sent a message that issu...

Financial planning

The Association of Financial Advisers has accused the Financial Adviser Standards and Ethics of Authority of using its code of ethics approach to ‘create its own laws, wa...

Financial planning

The Association of Financial Advisers has urged banks who loaned money to advisers to buy books of clients to show leniency....

Financial planning

A little talked about Australian Securities and Investments Commission project around the adviser best interests duty has been identified as substantially increasing red ...

Financial planning

Advised life insurance taken out as a safeguard for clients who take out home mortgages should be specifically exempted from the Government’s tough new rules around the s...

Financial planning

The Association of Financial Advisers has called for the release of key consultation submissions and for greater clarity around the detail of the Government’s legislation...

Financial planning

Lobbying by financial advisers has revealed that at least some Federal Labor parliamentarians are sympathetic to allowing passage of the legislation necessary to deliver ...

Financial planning

The findings and recommendations of the Royal Commission cannot be left to go unchallenged in circumstances where the outcome was far from perfect and, in some circumstan...

Financial planning

The 'weaponisation of compliance' is bringing up wider problems with licensees, not just a few individual bad apples. ...



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Concerned Adviser

47 claims settled from 2,510 cases! It continues to amaze me how governments create these schemes with a stroke of a pen...

8 hours ago

Dear CEO and board, It's time to start some VERY HEAVY LOBBYING on behalf of advisers which could save your platform re...

5 days 4 hours ago

He is every thing ASIC said he was BUT How on earth did he expect to get away with it????? . these guy's who dip in...

5 days 6 hours ago

A former financial adviser has been banned by ASIC from providing financial services for inappropriate advice, among multiple breaches....

1 week 6 days ago

Treasurer Jim Chalmers has handed down his third budget, outlining the government’s macroeconomic forecasts and changes to superannuation....

2 weeks 6 days ago

ASIC has suspended the AFS licence of a Melbourne fund manager responsible for six managed investment schemes....

6 days 4 hours ago