The professional year offers new entrants a bridge between academic theory of the post-Hayne landscape and the real world of service, writes Anne Palmer. ...

In light of the recent COP26, Patrick Russel examines the sensitivities of climate change, in terms of risks and opportunities for the emerging market equity asset class....

Advisers play a critical role in supporting the transition to sustainable insurance products, writes Aaron Newman, but the industry needs to support advisers with this tr...

Luke Dixon explains the outlook for commercial real estate for 2022 and the stand-out sectors plus whether Australia is a safe harbour for capital growth....

With Australians living longer than ever, writes Aaron Minney, retirement plans focused on a life expectancy of 85 are looking out of touch....

Investors are prone to following their emotions, writes Bronwyn Yates. For advisers, coaching calmness is the most significant contribution they can make....

Fiona Manning writes how gender diversity is a key consideration within environmental, social and governance investing as the gender gap causes a drag on the economy....

Investors may know they need an allocation to alternatives, writes David Lebovitz, Jason DeSena and Pulkit Sharma, but knowing which ones to include is less clear-cut....

Investors could be forgiven for overlooking Asia-ex Japan in their portfolios, Geoff Bazzan writes, but its forecast growth and consumption opportunities make it too impo...

Managed accounts have seen incredible growth in their use and popularity with financial advisers over the past 12 to 18 months, writes Steven Tang, and for good reason....

In a world where markets are ever-fluctuating and challenges abound, writes Jim Parker, investors should pay less attention to the media and maintain a disciplined invest...

Being able to access the right MyGov information for members is crucial if firms are going to meet the Retirement Income Covenant requirements, writes Fintan Thornton....

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Well done Keith and Neil, these Canberra Bureaucrats need to be stopped. ...

1 day 14 hours ago

WHEN I RETIRED A LOT OF GUY'S WERE STILL PRACTICING FORMS OF COLD CALLING. There nothing wrong with it as a way of estab...

2 days 13 hours ago

I thought you joined a dealer to be protected and have a better version of regulation explained, BUT The dealers themsel...

2 days 14 hours ago

ASIC has cancelled the AFS licence of a Sydney wealth firm, the fifth Sydney firm to see a cancellation since the start of the year....

1 week 2 days ago

A former financial adviser has been banned by ASIC from providing financial services for inappropriate advice, among multiple breaches....

3 weeks 3 days ago

ASIC has suspended the AFS licence of a Melbourne fund manager responsible for six managed investment schemes....

2 weeks 3 days ago