By Lachlan Douglas I am writing in response to the Money Management article titled “Hedge funds fail the asset class test” (Money Management, May 24) by Rob Keavney. ...

I must readily concede a key point made in the responses to my article on hedge funds (Money Management, May 24). The article dealt with only certain types of funds and c...

Most advisers promise ongoing service at their initial meetings with clients. However, as Rob Keavney points out, a large number fail to deliver on that promise....

Financial services has always been a solid bet for making big money in terms of salary and the funds management industry has confirmed that in the 2001 Hays Salary Survey...

Count Financial has slightly downgraded forecast profit for this financial year, saying operating income may be 15 per cent down on the $6.4 million predicted in the grou...

Macquarie’s overall profits of $242 million in the year to March 31 announced today included a loss of around 3 per cent made by its fledgling financial services group (F...

As the push into defensive assets continues while markets head south, neglected asset classes continue to attract more of the spotlight. However Rob Keavney argues not al...

At initial meetings, most financial planners at least imply they will provide ongoing service to their clients. Rob Keavney reckons there is a large body of planners that...

Asset consultants, research houses and financial planners sometimes argue that fund managers rarely outperform their benchmark index. The question is then asked why we pa...

As always, developments in the equity market have had a powerful influence on the investment decisions made by fund managers specialising in property. With the slower equ...

The world over it has been a particularly volatile period in fixed-interest markets. ...

The success of Credit Suisse and UBS Asset Management in this year’s Money Management Assirt Fund Manager of the Year awards marks a significant turning point for the Aus...

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Well done Keith and Neil, these Canberra Bureaucrats need to be stopped. ...

2 days 6 hours ago

WHEN I RETIRED A LOT OF GUY'S WERE STILL PRACTICING FORMS OF COLD CALLING. There nothing wrong with it as a way of estab...

3 days 6 hours ago

I thought you joined a dealer to be protected and have a better version of regulation explained, BUT The dealers themsel...

3 days 6 hours ago

ASIC has cancelled the AFS licence of a Sydney wealth firm, the fifth Sydney firm to see a cancellation since the start of the year....

1 week 3 days ago

A former financial adviser has been banned by ASIC from providing financial services for inappropriate advice, among multiple breaches....

3 weeks 4 days ago

ASIC has suspended the AFS licence of a Melbourne fund manager responsible for six managed investment schemes....

2 weeks 4 days ago