After a hectic few years, advisers will finally have the chance this year to look inward at how they can improve their businesses....

All eyes will be looking at the compensation scheme of last resort legislation in its final form as it could pass before the end of the year along with what direction the...

Despite new entrants being needed to continue the advice profession, especially with advisers leaving in droves, practices are finding compliance around the professional ...

Financial services associations will all have a new look in 2022 but is there a need for so many different ones?...

Research has found advisers are currently unable to cover the cost of producing comprehensive advice despite charging already high fees and the Government needs to create...

Advisers who sit the financial adviser exam under the corporate watchdog will pay almost 60% more than advisers sitting the exam under the current regime and transparency...

While the Government has called the inquiry “urgent”, what is perhaps more urgent is handling the advice industry given droves of advisers are leaving the industry due to...

The ‘pass’ or ‘fail’ mark of a superannuation fund can be construed as a rubber stamp of approval or disapproval from the Government so it is on them, along with super fu...

The decision to withhold submissions from its consultation into affordable advice is a contrary move by the corporate regulator when the advice industry has funded the $3...

Compliance and regulation have been touted as the biggest reasons for the increase in advice costs and the Government needs to hold the bodies responsible accountable for...

The corporate watchdog has dropped the pursuit of criminal charges relating to AMP Financial Planning’s alleged fee-for-no-service, raising questions on why it was made s...

Any further requirements by the Government for the financial advice sector to lift standards could lead to advisers and potential graduate entrants moving the occupation ...



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Dear CEO and board, It's time to start some VERY HEAVY LOBBYING on behalf of advisers which could save your platform re...

2 days 17 hours ago

He is every thing ASIC said he was BUT How on earth did he expect to get away with it????? . these guy's who dip in...

2 days 19 hours ago
Chris Cornish

A tad optimistic from Morningstar. Adviser numbers are somewhat irrelevant; it all comes down to the platform and whethe...

2 days 20 hours ago

A former financial adviser has been banned by ASIC from providing financial services for inappropriate advice, among multiple breaches....

1 week 3 days ago

Treasurer Jim Chalmers has handed down his third budget, outlining the government’s macroeconomic forecasts and changes to superannuation....

2 weeks 4 days ago

Iress has announced it is strengthening its security settings after suffering an unauthorised access of its systems over the weekend....

2 weeks 5 days ago