Perpetual Trustees today reported a 62 per cent jump in net profit to become a stand out player in the financial services market with $27.5 million for the six months to ...

Fund managers are commonly pigeon-holed as either value managers or growth managers. Rob Keavney believes this approach, borrowed from our American cousins, is both facil...

Since bursting on to the financial services scene in the middle of last year, account aggregators or screen scrapers have been one of the hottest discussion points in the...

History is bunk according to Henry Ford but the same doesn't necessarily apply to the financial world where history can often provide valuable pointers to the future. For...

While the issue of life insurance will usually crop up at some point in discussions with a client, HELEN TROUP believes that a discussion of risk should cover the well-be...

With the recent popularity in the global biotech industry sending investors into a spin, Kate Kachor looks at the current opportunities for investing in biotechnology for...

A member of a self managed super fund (SMSF) currently has an accumulation balance of $400,000. They are 62 years of age, working part-time, and all of their benefits in ...

Online share broker E*Trade Australia has recorded a net loss of $53.8 million in the 12 months to the end of June, wider than the $3.9 million loss reported in the previ...

Agricultural investment schemes suffer from an image problem, but Canberra’s only fund manager wants to change all that, as John Wilkinson reports....

Perpetual Trustees today announced it had posted a net profit of $40 million for the past financial year, up 31 per cent on the previous year....

There are nearly 7,000 managed funds vying for the hard earned savings of Australian investors. Only a few ever reach the dizzying heights of becoming mega funds. Kate Ka...

Strong inflows into Mercantile Mutual’s managed funds has helped lift the group’s operating profit after tax up 23 per cent to $70 million for the six months to the end o...

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Well done Keith and Neil, these Canberra Bureaucrats need to be stopped. ...

1 day 20 hours ago

WHEN I RETIRED A LOT OF GUY'S WERE STILL PRACTICING FORMS OF COLD CALLING. There nothing wrong with it as a way of estab...

2 days 20 hours ago

I thought you joined a dealer to be protected and have a better version of regulation explained, BUT The dealers themsel...

2 days 20 hours ago

ASIC has cancelled the AFS licence of a Sydney wealth firm, the fifth Sydney firm to see a cancellation since the start of the year....

1 week 2 days ago

A former financial adviser has been banned by ASIC from providing financial services for inappropriate advice, among multiple breaches....

3 weeks 3 days ago

ASIC has suspended the AFS licence of a Melbourne fund manager responsible for six managed investment schemes....

2 weeks 3 days ago