Laura Dew

Laura Dew

Laura Dew is editor at Money Management. Prior to joining MM, she spent five years working at Investment Week in the UK, covering asset and wealth management.

News by this author

18 June 2019

Superannuation consultant SuperConcepts is to create an Innovation Lab dedicated to the research and development of SMSF software....

17 June 2019

AllianceBernstein has launched an Australian equities strategy which aims to generate attractive returns while being carbon-neutral, challenging the belief investors need...

16 June 2019

Ausbil chief executive Ross Youngman has indicated the firm could target the UK market as it considers expanding its global footprint and launching funds offshore. ...


Changes made to the Australian Financial Complaints Authority following the Hayne Royal Commission are ‘flawed’ according to legal firm Creevey Russell Lawyers. ...


The Australian Securities and Investments Commission has announced ANZ has complied with the court enforceable undertaking regarding its fees for no service conduct for i...

13 June 2019

IMAP has announced an agreed industry standard for the transmission of model portfolio data known as the Model Portfolio Data Standard....

12 June 2019

Former Australian Securities and Investments Commission deputy chair Peter Kell is joining a panel on licensee reporting set up by Adviser Ratings....

12 June 2019

Fidelity is topping up its holdings in companies exposed to China to take advantage of the negative sentiment caused by the US/China trade war. ...

12 June 2019

Only 6.5 per cent of Australian funds consistently beat their benchmarks consecutively over three years, according to S&P Dow Jones....

11 June 2019

Adoption of smart-beta strategies has reached a record high with 58 per cent of institutional investors using this type of strategy, as concerns about the long-term track...



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Dear CEO and board, It's time to start some VERY HEAVY LOBBYING on behalf of advisers which could save your platform re...

2 days 14 hours ago

He is every thing ASIC said he was BUT How on earth did he expect to get away with it????? . these guy's who dip in...

2 days 16 hours ago
Chris Cornish

A tad optimistic from Morningstar. Adviser numbers are somewhat irrelevant; it all comes down to the platform and whethe...

2 days 17 hours ago

A former financial adviser has been banned by ASIC from providing financial services for inappropriate advice, among multiple breaches....

1 week 3 days ago

Treasurer Jim Chalmers has handed down his third budget, outlining the government’s macroeconomic forecasts and changes to superannuation....

2 weeks 4 days ago

Iress has announced it is strengthening its security settings after suffering an unauthorised access of its systems over the weekend....

2 weeks 5 days ago