Carbon tax changes impact super

ASFA superannuation funds association of superannuation funds superannuation contributions australian taxation office treasury

18 July 2011
| By Mike Taylor |
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The Government’s carbon tax proposals and the consequent increase in the tax-free threshold has significant implications for low income earners making superannuation contributions, according to the Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia (ASFA).

In a submission to the Treasury filed this month, ASFA has pointed out that while the higher tax-free threshold will alleviate the need for low-income earners to file a tax return, they will still be required to do so for the purpose of accessing a superannuation contribution rebate.

It said the issue would need to be considered as part of the implementation of the Government’s carbon price announcement.

The submission suggested one possible mechanism might for the Australian Taxation Office to use information from payment summaries issued by employers to establish eligibility for the rebate along with the use of tax return information.

ASFA also suggested that special administrative arrangements be considered for workers engaged under the disability services award.

“ASFA requests that consideration be given to the design of administrative arrangements that address the plight of these people such that they also can benefit from the rebate,” it said.

The superannuation group said it strongly supported the proposal to enable superannuation funds to compensate low-income earners for the impact of contributions tax on their retirement savings.


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