Back to the future with Tyndall


5 March 2021
| By Outsider |
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Outsider has been around long enough to know that if you wait long enough some of the fashions you were wearing 20 years ago come back into fashion. Well, almost.
And so he was pleased to see that a couple of old golf polo shirts that had been sitting in the bottom of his drawer for around a decade might warrant another outing.

Why, not because of fashion, but because the Tyndall brand is returning to Australian funds management thanks to Yarra Capital Management entering into an agreement to acquire the Australian business of Nikko Asset Management.

Thus, in what represents a back to the future moment, Nikko will once again become Tyndall which in many respects represents the closing of a circle which started in September 2014, when Nikko decided to shelve the Tyndall brand.

So, Outsider will dust off the Tyndall shirts for his next golf outing, and closely monitor how the new/old brand performs.

Nothing quite like rebranding without having to commission expensive collaterals.

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